Archive for May 2013

My Chubby "Big" Little Man

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So we went and got a 4D ultrasound. First thing i want to say is that this the placenta and all the photos look so funny! It makes the baby look so distorted but still so adorable but i am biased. 

Second I really disappointed in the technician that performed our ultrasound she honestly did a terrible job. We literally only got a few good pictures, and when i say a few i mean two! I don't think i would ever pay to get this done again but hey it's my first kid I just couldn't pass it up. 

Well here are a couple pictures of our beautiful baby boy 

Look at this adorable smile!

Ya he is fat dont judge!

32 weeks

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So I am happy to report i have not been as miserable this week! I am just feeling huge that is all, but that is perfect normal according to my doc. I am just so close, I cant believe it! Last week clearly was just a rough one for me. But things are looking up! I am soooo excited to meet McCoy that I make sure to tell Ty at least 5 times a day. 

We went shopping last weekend and bought all of the last bit of baby stuff we needed. I mean we still a few more things we need, like a crib mattress, a rug, a baby monitor, a nursery glider/rocker and some decor items but other than that we have, or we think we have the essentials. :) I am sure i will frequently be sending Ty to babiesRus to get the missing links. 

We cannot wait to start getting all of McCoy's stuff set up and his clothes put away but we have to be patient because we are moving next week. Yup that's right this pregnant momma is moving. Well really Ty is doing all the work. Our little one bedroom just isn't going to cut it so we need to upgrade to a two bedroom in order to have a place for all these baby things. We were freaking out after our haul and we were scrambling trying to find a place to put everything. I mean we could definitely make it work if we had to but it is going to be so much easier to have the extra space. I will make sure to post pictures once the move takes place!

We went and got some 4D pictures taken this week as well. I will post them separately so this post doesn't get too clogged up!

How far along? 32 Weeks 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs (Ugh i will have to double check!)
Maternity clothes? Yes! I actually went and bought a few more things today. I HAD to invest in some shorts. It is just getting too hot not to have a nice comfy pair. 
Stretch marks? No. Thank goodness. I heard now is the time they start to get bad so lets hope i stay in the no stretch mark zone. 
Sleep: Sucks! I can't get comfy and I constantly want to lay on my back but the second I do I wake up :(
Best moment this week: Knowing we are moving! I am excited that McCoy will finally have his own room and wont have to share a bed with mommy and daddy!
Miss Anything? Sushi and running! And I wanted to take a celebratory shot because i finished two classes last week so that is kinda of missed!
Movement: All the time. He likes to nestle on the right side of my belly and kick/punch my belly button. 
Food cravings:  Not really....cravings really come and go for me. I sure do LOVE pineapple right now though. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Excessive pitting. My doctor went as far as to restrict my diet on the amount of sodium i can intake. Nothing serious though just really uncomfortable for me. This picture is what you call pitting you can see the huge dent in my foot ya well that is because the rest of my foot and leg is swollen because i am retaining so much water. 
Gender: Boy
Development: Baby is still the size of the head of a honeydew. He is about 19 inches long and 4.5lbs! My sweet boy has reached a milestone this week. The development of his immune system that will be able to provide protection from mild infections. He also is acting more and more like a baby! His eyes are closed while he sleeps and they are wide open while he is awake. True magic!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On for now because i cant get it off haha
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: Moving and setting up the nursery. 

What do you do when you are almost 8 months pregnant?

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So lets just start with i am soooooo uncomfortable. I have seriously had the easiest pregnancy known to man until this week. I got sick Monday and ever since then I am slightly on the miserable side. My ribs hurt really bad from the gigantic being growing inside me, feet are swelling so bad they are bruising, and I am so congested I have to sleep with a humidifier on just to breath. UGH....I just want it all to go away. I think it kinda has to do with stress, between work and school this week has been INTENSE. I have had soooo much to do, but luckily it's all getting done. Slowly by surely, now i just need a few more hours in the day. 

On to better things. This past weekend was a freaking BLAST! I mean what do you do when you are 8 months pregnant? Well you see I go to Vegas with some long lost friends for one of my bestest Rachel's Bachelorette party. Seriously, didn't know that Vegas sober and pregnant could be so much fun. It totally was. I LOVED getting to see everyone and spend that special time with Rachel. 

I was really nervous about going for a few reasons. I wasn't prepared for all the judgement looks i would get for being in Vegas and pregnant, but surprisingly it only happened a couple of times. Second I thought i wouldn't have fun with all my friends being drunk and having a good time and little pregnant me would be sitting in the corner with nothing to do; well that certainly did NOT happen. I seriously felt like nothing was different. And last all my sexy friends in their cute little dress and this momma over here in her pregnancy pants would look totally out of place. Well i quickly set those feelings aside and said f*$% it, pregnancy clothes are way more comfortable. :)

I thought the pool would be uncomfortable with everyone in their bikinis and i had no idea what i was going to wear. Well I went and bought a maternity swimsuit that is so comfortable and enjoyed myself. I mean what else can you do when you are the whale at the pool? Just kidding, but seriously it was such a good time. Here are some pictures and of course a weekly bump pic!

The ladies and Surrender

Cece &Whit

Cece & myself at dinner at Diablos!

After the show


How far along? 31 Weeks 3 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs (I'm sure more but i don't know the official. I'll find out next week!)
Maternity clothes? Yes! The comfier the clothes the better. And lots of maxi dresses.  
Stretch marks? No sir and i hope it stays that way. I know now is the time that my belly is supposed to start getting HUGE so i hope i stay stretch mark free. 
Sleep: Horrible...Seriously horrible. I am so congested and uncomfortable. 
Best moment this week: Talking to Ty last night saying that we only have 8 weeks left and then we get to meet our little bundle. I have this weird longing feeling for him. 
Miss Anything? Sushi, running, not feeling like an absolute cow. Can you tell this week and been an uncomfortable week?
Movement: Yup, he is real real good at distorting the shape of my stomach with his movements. 
Food cravings:  Ummm not really much this week. I just like food...
Anything making you queasy or sick: No luckily
Symptoms: Rib & back pain bad sitting sucks. seriously i just want to lay down and stretch all day. 

Gender: Boy
Development: Baby is still the size of the head of a head of lettuce. He is about 19 inches long and 3.9lbs!
This chubby bunny is accumulating more fat, and his skin is turning more opaque, which means he is looking more and more like a newborn! 
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In...I don't think for much longer though. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy to meet him, irritated i am getting uncomfortable. 
Looking forward to: Shopping with the hubs this weekend. We are going to go get all his furniture and put his things away. Sooooooooo excited, did i mention that i was excited ;)

30 Weeks

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K to start can you believe that I have less than 10 weeks left?? This is bananas. It has seriously flown by. We are so excited to meet our little man and snuggle him. People are going to have to tell me not to hold him so tight because he might die, you know like you tell a kid to be gentle with a puppy? Meh i will do my best. 

So I'll start with the most hilarious thing that happened this week. On Monday i had a doctors appointment because they thought i might be having some internal complications. Lucky i'm not false alarm. I really like that my doctor is so thorough though, definitely puts us at ease. But now Ty is convinced i need to take it easy and not lift at the gym. Well that is difficult since that is my favorite but he's lucky because i haven't had a spare second to so in the last two weeks :(. Don't worry though exercise is still happening just in the way of yoga and walking for now. I park a mile away from my office to get a good walk in. Take a walk in the afternoon to soak up some rays and then a mile back to my car after work. So i feel like i am doing ok since i haven't been able to make it to get a pump in. 

Ok now that i am done with my rant i will get to the funny part. We went to the doc and they did and ultrasound and the little eager beaver Ty is asked if they did they do 4D ultrasounds (he knows that they don't because he has asked before). Well his trickery worked and the doc showed us our sweet baby boy in 4D sooooooo cool. The funny part was the second she got to his face she said "Wow, that's a chubby baby!" Me and Ty were cracking up. He is definitely our spawn. He is HUGE, i mean HUGE which makes me nervous but he is a healthy boy. 

Cant wait to meet the little man. 

How far along? 30 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Yes! I am in love with my lululemon pants. I wear them ALL the time! So if you are every wondering want to get me these will do, or this ! Thank you Tennli for the surprise gift you are amazing as always!
Stretch marks? Nope! Cant you tell from my last post smooth belly.
Sleep: Sleep what is that? I get 4 hours a night and it blows
Best moment this week: Seeing his face in 4D. He has my nose and Ty's smirk. 
Miss Anything? Sushi, sushi, sushi, running, running, running, running! I wont be mad if someone bring sushi to the hospital!
Movement: Yes my ribs are ungrateful 
Food cravings:  Oh where to start....milkshakes, pizza (veggie), brownies, mint ice cream, ice cream sandwiches, pineapple, milk chocolate, chipolte, should i keep going? Haha no no no i have not had all of these things. I am pretty strict with my diet for the most part. I did however have a slice of veggie pizza this week from La Roccos! Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No the baby has decided to give me a break
Symptoms: Feet really left foot swelling, some pelvic pain. Other than that i am as healthy as can be!

Gender: Boy
Development: Baby is still the size of the head of a head of lettuce. He is about 18 inches long and 3.2lbs! My sweet man's brain is working overtime. Connections between individual nerve cells are growing at a frenetic clip, and my baby can now perceive information from all 5 sense! He is also busy making faces (he was blowing kisses on Monday, lady killer already!), hiccuping  swallowing, breathing, pedaling away with his little munchin hands and feet. 
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part but i do have mood swings. I go grumpy today for a few hours. 
Looking forward to: My doctors appointment next week and going shopping with Ty!

29 Weeks

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Sorry for the delay I have some free time so i thought why not blog right? 

Haha who am i kidding i have ZERO free time. I am actually putting off some work right now to write this shhhhhhh.....I really am a good employee so i am calling this an unofficial break. I'm not a doctor or anything so it's not like someone will die if i stop working for 15 minutes. 

Anyway here is my 29 week update! I am technically 30 weeks now so that post should be up today too! I'm gettin shiz done.

How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Yes sir. I mainly wear pajama's around the house, and belly shirts aka my regular shirts. 
Stretch marks? No sir, still going strong and I am so grateful.
SleepI have been sleeping like crap lately. I toss and turn and end up on my back and the second i am on my back i wake up. HELP ME!
Best moment this week: Watching him do somersaults in my belly. 
Miss Anything? Sushi, sushi, sushi, running, running, running, running! Seeing a pattern?
Movement: Somersaults ALL of the time. 
Food cravings:  Oh where to start....lets just say what am i not craving!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope I am good!
Symptoms: Still some pelvic pain, and then the feet swelling cam back! It's horrible. I elevate my feet when i have time which isn't often so they are typically pretty huge! Some other internal stuff that i have to go to the doctor for. (Since i went i will update you next post)
Gender: Boy
Development: Baby is still the size of the head of a butternut suqash. He is about 17 inches long and 3lbs! My baby's brain has had major development. Brain tissue is starting to develop aka he is getting smart like his momma and daddy. Another big change is my baby's bone marrow. It has taken over the production of red blood cells. This is an important step for my baby, because it means he is better able to thrive on his own once he arrives!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: My doctors appointment (I already had it so i will write about that in the next post)