Archive for June 2013

36 Weeks

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I fully meant to post this earlier but then I forgot and then got busy ha! 
I plan on posting pictures of his nursery sometime this weekend. It is absolutely adorable if i do say so myself, but of course I am biased. 

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs (whoop whoop at least i'm not gaining)
Maternity clothes? Still looking like a homeless person
Stretch marks? Unfortunately i have 4 small baby stretch marks! I need this little man to come now so i don't get anymore. 
Sleep: Me and my friend insomnia are like besties stuck at the hip
Best moment this week: Realizing I can go into labor at any time. 
Miss Anything? Sushi, running and lifting. 
Movement: Tons of hiccups its so freaking adorable. 
Food cravings:  Nothing really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain, lower back pain and foot swelling :( 
Development: Little man is huge he is 6lbs and 20-22 inches long (just like last time)! He loves hearing mommy and daddy's voice and even gives a little kick when he hears our voices. His lungs are still developing but just about there. He is ready to come at any time! 
Labor Signs: I felt like i was going to go into labor after our long walk on Sunday. It kicked my butt. 
Belly Button in or out? In! And i think it is going to stay in!
Wedding rings on or off? On, still stuck there. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, I do get moody when i get frustrated though. 
Looking forward to: Being able to snuggle him. 

35 Weeks...Little Baby Sned is a Traveler

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Whew i feel like it has been forever since i have actually written a post with a solid update! Forgive me...I know this is how most of you are keeping up to date with how me and little Mac are doing. 
Life it crazy, crazy wonderful. We moved into a new place that we love, so much more space! The day after we moved in we had some friends come to visit for a week which was soooo nice! It was good to see them and hang out with them the few times we were able to. 

Needless to say though our house was a mess due to the immediate move and having company so we have been desperately trying to get shit put away, organized and decorated in time for McCoy's arrival. And i am happy to report we are almost done! Woooohoooo!! Literally all we have left is to buy a glider, rug and diaper bag and then we are all set. 

We ran some errands today to return some things we didnt need and pick out a glider. I think we found the one but we are going to buy it online and have it shipped so hopefully it gets here in time!

This last week has been great. We got to go to Utah to celebrate some of our best friends getting married. It was amazing, to be part of their experience. It was a very beautiful and extremely fun wedding. It definitely took a lot out of me though. Traveling when you are 9 months pregnant and running around isn't really meant for this body, I have to say though i was a trooper! We were on the ground for 36 hours and managed to see some family for about 4 hours, wooohooo haha that's better than nothing. Sorry we didn't have time for our friends that weren't at the wedding :( forgive us! I am so lucky that i got cleared to fly we were seriously freaking out. I had two doctors appointments in two weeks to make sure i was good to go and the last one being the night before we left. If not we would have been driving which would have sucked. The flight however totally brought back the swelling in my feet. I mean BAD....the second we got off the plane my shoes no longer fit. Literally none of the shoes i brought were letting what tyler says, my hamburger looking feet, slide into them puppies. I ended up having to wear a pair of flip flops that barely fit the whole trip but meh, it's alright. 

I am finally getting to the point that i am done being pregnant. I mean this has been fun and all but shoot i'm over being this big and uncomfortable. The back pain that onsets after long walks and shopping trips is starting to take a toll, but i am still trying to be as active as possible. I really just want my regular clothes to fit again too, and i miss working out, and when i say working out i mean lifting and just pushing myself because i cant do that now :(. But soon very very soon, I have a feeling i wont have to wait too much longer to meet my munchkin. 

Hayley Dawn and I right before the beautiful bride walked down the aisle.

My sexy hubby and I at the reception, McCoy can totally look like his dad but then I'll have to worry about all those little girls as he gets older. 

How far along? 35 Weeks 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs
Maternity clothes? Ya, but i rarely get dressed because i rarely leave the house! ha so leggings, sweats and baggy shirts. Ya i look homeless most of the time. 
Stretch marks? Seriously so lucky i still have none!
Sleep: Hello insomnia my name is Veronica. Even though it has been nice getting to know you i would sure like to get to know Mr. Pillow and Mr. Sweet Dreams a little bit better. Thanks for stopping by though. 
Best moment this week: Finishing up the nursery yesterday and just getting fully settled. 
Miss Anything? Sushi, running and lifting. 
Movement: All the time. And the punches and kicks are getting a lot harder. I love when he gets the hiccups its so crazy. Scared the shit out of me at first but now it makes me laugh.  
Food cravings:  Blue-raspberry slushy s, cookies and cream chocolate bars, chocolate banana protein smoothies, and water! Cant get enough water. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain, lower back pain and foot swelling :( Stupid flight killed me. 
Development: (Development is a little out of date. On the 34 week post i will update) Little man is the size of a large cantaloupe and is 20-22 inches long (I'm saying 22) and he is 6lbs! He finally weighs more than little B. Most of the little man's systems are pretty mature! One system that he is still working on is that digestive system of his, though developed it hasn't been operational so wont be fully up to speed until after birth. 
Labor Signs: No, but it's going to happen sooon ahhh!
Belly Button in or out? In, but McCoy has kicked it out twice and it goes back in haha
Wedding rings on or off? On, because literally it is stuck on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ecstatic. (Slightly nervous)
Looking forward to: His arrival!

34 Weeks

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I suck at updating lately so much has been going on. Here is a 34 week update! We went and took some maternity photos and here is a sneak peek at how a few turned out, hopefully i will have more to post soon!

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 
Maternity clothes? Uhh huh
Stretch marks? None for me thanks
Sleep: Crappy insomnia is kicking in 
Best moment this week: Picking up little man's crib!
Miss Anything? Sushi and running!
Movement: ALL THE TIME 
Food cravings:  Blue-raspberry slushy s, cookies and cream chocolate bars
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain and lower back pain. 
Development: (Development is a little out of date.)Baby is still the size of the head of a honeydew. He is about 19 inches long and 4.5lbs! My sweet boy has reached a milestone this week. The development of his immune system that will be able to provide protection from mild infections. He also is acting more and more like a baby! His eyes are closed while he sleeps and they are wide open while he is awake. True magic!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On! Only because i cant get it off!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: Setting up the nursery, going home to see my family and friends!

A Little Late...33 Weeks

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How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 31 + lbs I keep forgetting to write it down when i am at the doctors office! I will for sure this week!
Maternity clothes? Yes! And mostly sweats since i work from home. 
Stretch marks? Nope still going strong
Sleep: This week sleep wasn't even a word in my vocabulary  I literally was up every night until like 2 am doing homework it sucked. 
Best moment this week: Moving!
Miss Anything? Sushi and running! I don't think that has really changed. 
Movement: Yup. Somersaults are his favorite. 
Food cravings:  Blue-raspberry slushy s! Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain is getting really really bad. I could have been because of the move though.
Development: (Development is a little out of date. On the 34 week post i will update) Baby is still the size of the head of a honeydew. He is about 19 inches long and 4.5lbs! My sweet boy has reached a milestone this week. The development of his immune system that will be able to provide protection from mild infections. He also is acting more and more like a baby! His eyes are closed while he sleeps and they are wide open while he is awake. True magic!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In barely
Wedding rings on or off? On! Only because i cant get it off!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: Setting up the nursery.