Archive for 2014

WOAH How Did A Month Go By...

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I swear time really flies when you are having fun...or in my case when the days just all blend into one. I didn't even realize that it had been almost a month since my last post until my lovely sister pestered me to update. :) I'm glad she did. 

Seriously so much has happened in the last three weeks it's crazy. All good things...well kinda. More on that later. 

McCoy is a crawling machine. And he is so freaking FAST, i swear i turn around for one second and next thing you know he is in the dog food (see exhibit a). Man he thinks it's hilarious to pick up B's food and throw it, transfer it into the water, eat it, and our newest trick; knock over the water bowl. And it never gets boring you guys.

 We like to get crazy in the bath

School buses are our favorite toys

We love playing with Tupperware, far more entertaining than any Disney show mom puts on. 

And in the process of practicing walking skills we are also learning how to do the splits.

My little monster is so much fun but boy has he been a handful. I'm not sure if its a mixture of getting two new teeth and being sick, but my baby who used to sleep 10+ hours a night is now waking up 2-3 times a night. He also only wants to be held. I am more exhausted now than i was when he was a newborn. I know that is hard to believe but it is true. He will nap all night or take 2+ hour naps while i hold him, but that is difficult to do all day! Let's just say i am not getting anything done. I also may not have showered for the last 2 days but whose counting. 

I am hoping that my happy, independent baby boy comes back to me soon so we can continue to have a great relationship otherwise i am taking him back where i got him. OC you ready for him?


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So my last post  was one that I had already written but just forgot to post my bad! So we have major updates wooo hooo

So you know how we were talking about cords and needing to baby proof and all of that well ya, we totally need too. Little man is way too curious and he may or may not have pulled a cord and bam got hit in the face and got his first little bloody nose. Umm it was heartbreaking to hear those cries. 

But man does he make a bloody nose look good! He only cried for a little bit  and then let mama clean him all up! Thank goodness for the both of us. 

Biggest news yet we have a crawler!!! I did get it on video but to spare my child the horrific embarrassment at a more mature age i will not post it. He was naked...

The dogs toy was so enticing he just had to get it slowly zoomed right over to it! So freaking cute. I love that he can crawl but umm, i also hate that i now have to keep such a close eye on him. Ok that makes me sound like a lazy/bad mom, i just mean i can leave him on his tummy to play with toys while i do the dishes for sake that he might fall down the stairs. Which brings up the next thing. Baby proofing. Haha 

The day after he started crawling i called and found a guy that does custom baby gates so that it will match my banister. It;s not because i am snooty or anything we have just bought four and none work because of how our post is set. It's dumb i know. Happy to report the baby gate is already done wooohooo and will be installed this weekend cannot wait. 

We had such nice weather this weekend that Coy and I took advantage as much as possible

Pretty sure he got sick of me taking so many pictures i mean this face screams "Mom really, another?" All day er day baby

And of course we gotta try out new stunna shades out!

After papa got home we went on a lovely 4 miles walk and then called it a weekend and watched Sunday shows as a fam. Doesn't get better than that!

Tricky Tuesday

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We So Tricky!!!

Oh man we are full of new surprises/tricks everyday over here. Coy seriously is so shocking each and every day with something new that he has learned. I swear each morning when I get him out of his crib he is a whole different baby, with new and exciting things to show me and teach me for that day.

Tyler and I joke about how he must think we are absolute idiots because we will show him something like clapping our hands. He looks at us puzzled and then kind of smirks and claps his hands! He is brilliant I’m telling you, BRILLIANT.

But seriously the tricks are happening overnight. He wakes up in the morning and BAM, “Oh hey mom, look what I can do today!” I love it. I seriously just stare at my beautiful little man and think, “I can’t believe you are so big, and all of the things you are learning so quickly.”

We still aren’t crawling. Again we have the backwards and the circle thing down pretty good but still no grooving forward. Lately he has been staring to move forward and then after he scoots one hand forward he then sits right away. That is still really exciting because he that is a new trick!
We clap our hands now! It seriously makes me so happy, he claps nonstop when he is excited and usually when it is just us all day long but when we ask him to show someone he won’t do it. We did however get his first clap on tape!!!!

Haha he starts to cry at the end because he freaks out when you laugh too loud or yell it scares him. 

He is a master sitter and I find him just hanging out in his crib like this after a nap

He might end up being a pianist

He holds his own bottle now

And my favorite, especially since this is a staple in the new era of social networking, he has mastered the selfie

I cannot wait to see what else he has in store for me this week. 

On The Move

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It's almost the weekend yay! Seriously this week has been killing me. So much work, which is amazing but it's been keeping me up late. So, i'm welcoming the weekend with open arms.

So now that McCoy is almost 8 months old the #1 question I get is "Is he crawling?" My response is "Well, kind of!" Haha little man is a master when it comes to crawling backwards and in circles, BUT we don't quite have the forwards thing down. He will seriously turn in a circle find the object he wants turn back so that his butt is towards the object and crawls backwards to it. It is comical really.

Then when we try enticing him so that he will move forward we get this....

I mean really kid i dont think that is how crawling works. Everyone keeps saying he might walk before he crawls and that might very well be the case. He does like to stand up and hold onto his walker and walk, but he cant walk without holding onto that and he doesn't pull him self up onto things.

He is sooo close. Which brings up the next thing baby proofing! So not going to lie i never had plans to baby proof other than a gate on the stairs. I really thought we would be good and that we had done a good job hiding cords and such; WRONG!

Mister is a little ninja and gets into anything and everything. Ok really not anything and everything really just cords. So we are getting rid of our surround sound speakers and looking into in wall speakers. This weekend we, or should i say I, am going to work on the office/playroom since he is in there all day and repeatedly tries to pull my monitors onto the floor.

You can never be too careful. So baby proofing here I come, because, it's only a matter of days before he is movin and goovin all over the place.

Hopefully i don't procrastinate and really get the office done this weekend!

Where Have You Been??

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Okay so i kind of stopped blogging, because well life has been happening. Since my last post i have received several phone calls, text and emails about my lack of posts. So, I think it is safe to say that I really need to be better about blogging. Clearly it's being read ;)

So let's play some catch up...and who is this blog really about? The star of the show McCOY!

He is so good you guys! Seriously, how did i get such an adorable baby. He is now 7 months, holy crap where the hell is the time going. He is such a joy. Lets start a list of his accomplishments, ya that's right at 7 months old moms can still brag about how adorably cute and insanely intelligent their little babes are.

1. He is so happy; he little smiles 90% of the day the only times he isn't is when he is crying for food. 
2. He giggles with intense happiness. I mean really, really giggles it's loud and adorable and oh so amazing when he is giggling and playing with the dog. 
3. He is a rollie, pollie, ollie (you'll understand what that means when you have kids)
4. He LOVES to explore. He is one curious dude
5. He is a master crawler; okay not really when it comes to going forward, but dude has got backwards and circles down to a "T"
6. He is a good eater! He loves him so food. We started solids a month ago and slowly have been adding them in more frequently. He goes crazy when you open the pantry and get or fridge to get his food out. He makes all sorts of animal noises that i didnt think babies, wait no, humans could make. I die of laughter, well not actually because i'm typing this. 
7. He TALKS! Well babbles, but trust us he really has something to say. He points his finger at you and uses his hands and is really making a masterpiece with his ummm...words?
8. Mama, and Dada has officially been said (see happy parent video). They were said the same day within minutes of each other. Dada first and then mama. But now he wont say dada and only says mama. I'm not complaining ;)

9. We have teeth, we have two sparkly white baby teeth. Super exciting by mama misses that gummy grin. 
10. He likes to party! (see exhibit a)
Partied so hard he passed out and didn't even care about the paci. 

Nothing else is too crazy exciting on these home fronts. You know the usual, just working, hanging out and being classy!

We are seriously missing the California weather and want to move back, well really plotting to move back. Before anyone freaks out it isnt going to happen, well not anytime soon. We have a beautiful home here, well two and i really dont want to manage them from out of state. Also Ty, love love loves his new job which is why we moved back in the first place. I think the weather is just makin this mama antsy since i work from home and all. I so badly just want to go to the park and play outside with the babes. It's far too cold for that now. 

Warm weather please come soon!
I know I say this all the time but due to overwhelming blogging demand i promise i will be better. 

Until next time

6 months

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Where has the time gone? It literally feels like just yesterday I was holding my little baby boy in my arms for the very first time, and now he is 6 months!

We are always so amazed watching his development and seeing how fast he is learning all on his own. I swear he has a new trick everyday, today his newest trick is putting his feet in his mouth...mmmm tasty.

Age: 6 Months (26 Weeks)
Stats: 15.2 lbs. (10th percentile), 25.8 inches (20th percentile), 16.8 head circ (30th percentile)
Clothes: 3 months onsies still fit, 6 months mainly and some 9 month because he is getting so long!
Favorite Foods: Apples and Bananas mixed together, and Carrots

So at his appointment to pediatrician said that Mac is super healthy but a bit on the tiny side. They said it could just be him or he he might not be digesting his food well. But right now it is too early to tell. Unfortunately his reflux is back with a vengeance and he had to be put back on medication. This could be why he is on the smaller side and i'm hoping that this is the case and not a digestive problem. 

He is such a happy baby, always smiling and laughing. He is the best sleeper ever and I am so grateful for that. Mama and baby are staying well rested. 

So the last few days in our house have been rough. We seem to have come down with the never ending cold. It's been hard because it leaves me to tend to little man by myself since Ty is super worried that if he touches McCoy he get him sick. So far he hasn't caught anything from me, thank goodness, lets hope it stays that way. 

On a lighter note i just want to say how thankful i am for my family! I had to opportunity to see some family members i don't get to see very often and it was amazing. Since i don't know them very well i got to see a little insight into their lives and they are so happy and so much fun to be around. It just reminds me how important family is and how important it is to stay in touch. I hope that we can always set a good example for McCoy and give him every opportunity in the world to get to know our loved ones. 

PS. We are finally getting around to decorating the nursery and I think it will be done by the end of the week. Cannot wait to share pictures. 

Dear 2013

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Where to start... 2013 was by far the best year I have had of my life. I honestly dont even know where to begin to talk about what an awesome year we have had. 

So just a few highlights

Celebrated 3 wonderful years of marriage 
Tyler landed the perfect new job
I celebrated 1 year with my amazing company
We moved back to Utah from California
We bought our first (technically second, but the condo doesn't count ;)) home
And most importantly we welcomed our beautiful baby boy into this world

Though all of the above are extremely exciting the most exciting is definitely the privelage we get to be McCoy's parents! He is such an amazing little man and really brings such amazing joy to our lives. 

While i look back at 2013 and reminisce on all of the truly wonderful things we were able to experience i cant help but think that 2014 is going to be that much better. It's another year of first for McCoy that we get the privilege of being there for. It's another year to be married to my best friend. It's another year to enjoy my home. It's another year of celebration with family and friends. 

I cant help but picture myself outside (cocktail in hand) watching Mac and Ty run around in the yard with the pup while steaks are grilling and tunes are playing..... Ok i know it is like 15 degrees outside and about 2 feet of snow but a girl can dream.

So from our family to yours I hope you had as an amazing 2013 as we did and may the new year be as magical as dreams aspire it to be. 
