6 months

Where has the time gone? It literally feels like just yesterday I was holding my little baby boy in my arms for the very first time, and now he is 6 months!

We are always so amazed watching his development and seeing how fast he is learning all on his own. I swear he has a new trick everyday, today his newest trick is putting his feet in his mouth...mmmm tasty.

Age: 6 Months (26 Weeks)
Stats: 15.2 lbs. (10th percentile), 25.8 inches (20th percentile), 16.8 head circ (30th percentile)
Clothes: 3 months onsies still fit, 6 months mainly and some 9 month because he is getting so long!
Favorite Foods: Apples and Bananas mixed together, and Carrots

So at his appointment to pediatrician said that Mac is super healthy but a bit on the tiny side. They said it could just be him or he he might not be digesting his food well. But right now it is too early to tell. Unfortunately his reflux is back with a vengeance and he had to be put back on medication. This could be why he is on the smaller side and i'm hoping that this is the case and not a digestive problem. 

He is such a happy baby, always smiling and laughing. He is the best sleeper ever and I am so grateful for that. Mama and baby are staying well rested. 

So the last few days in our house have been rough. We seem to have come down with the never ending cold. It's been hard because it leaves me to tend to little man by myself since Ty is super worried that if he touches McCoy he get him sick. So far he hasn't caught anything from me, thank goodness, lets hope it stays that way. 

On a lighter note i just want to say how thankful i am for my family! I had to opportunity to see some family members i don't get to see very often and it was amazing. Since i don't know them very well i got to see a little insight into their lives and they are so happy and so much fun to be around. It just reminds me how important family is and how important it is to stay in touch. I hope that we can always set a good example for McCoy and give him every opportunity in the world to get to know our loved ones. 

PS. We are finally getting around to decorating the nursery and I think it will be done by the end of the week. Cannot wait to share pictures. 

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