WOAH How Did A Month Go By...

I swear time really flies when you are having fun...or in my case when the days just all blend into one. I didn't even realize that it had been almost a month since my last post until my lovely sister pestered me to update. :) I'm glad she did. 

Seriously so much has happened in the last three weeks it's crazy. All good things...well kinda. More on that later. 

McCoy is a crawling machine. And he is so freaking FAST, i swear i turn around for one second and next thing you know he is in the dog food (see exhibit a). Man he thinks it's hilarious to pick up B's food and throw it, transfer it into the water, eat it, and our newest trick; knock over the water bowl. And it never gets boring you guys.

 We like to get crazy in the bath

School buses are our favorite toys

We love playing with Tupperware, far more entertaining than any Disney show mom puts on. 

And in the process of practicing walking skills we are also learning how to do the splits.

My little monster is so much fun but boy has he been a handful. I'm not sure if its a mixture of getting two new teeth and being sick, but my baby who used to sleep 10+ hours a night is now waking up 2-3 times a night. He also only wants to be held. I am more exhausted now than i was when he was a newborn. I know that is hard to believe but it is true. He will nap all night or take 2+ hour naps while i hold him, but that is difficult to do all day! Let's just say i am not getting anything done. I also may not have showered for the last 2 days but whose counting. 

I am hoping that my happy, independent baby boy comes back to me soon so we can continue to have a great relationship otherwise i am taking him back where i got him. OC you ready for him?

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 17, 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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