Tricky Tuesday

We So Tricky!!!

Oh man we are full of new surprises/tricks everyday over here. Coy seriously is so shocking each and every day with something new that he has learned. I swear each morning when I get him out of his crib he is a whole different baby, with new and exciting things to show me and teach me for that day.

Tyler and I joke about how he must think we are absolute idiots because we will show him something like clapping our hands. He looks at us puzzled and then kind of smirks and claps his hands! He is brilliant I’m telling you, BRILLIANT.

But seriously the tricks are happening overnight. He wakes up in the morning and BAM, “Oh hey mom, look what I can do today!” I love it. I seriously just stare at my beautiful little man and think, “I can’t believe you are so big, and all of the things you are learning so quickly.”

We still aren’t crawling. Again we have the backwards and the circle thing down pretty good but still no grooving forward. Lately he has been staring to move forward and then after he scoots one hand forward he then sits right away. That is still really exciting because he that is a new trick!
We clap our hands now! It seriously makes me so happy, he claps nonstop when he is excited and usually when it is just us all day long but when we ask him to show someone he won’t do it. We did however get his first clap on tape!!!!

Haha he starts to cry at the end because he freaks out when you laugh too loud or yell it scares him. 

He is a master sitter and I find him just hanging out in his crib like this after a nap

He might end up being a pianist

He holds his own bottle now

And my favorite, especially since this is a staple in the new era of social networking, he has mastered the selfie

I cannot wait to see what else he has in store for me this week. 

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 18, 2014. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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