Archive for 2013

What A Very Merry Christmas

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I'm so sorry i haven't blogged in over a month....ahhh I am bad. I didn't realize how many people actually read it until i got so many complaints that I wasn't updating regularly. So i promise i will get better. I really will. I love sharing my life with you all, and letting you see McCoy grow because that is truly magical. 

Our first Christmas as a family of four (including bruiser here) was amazing. We decided to be selfish and spend it at home in our new house and boy am i glad we did. We didn't have to worry about going 4 million places and we were able to keep McCoy on his regular schedule and we just got to relax. We NEVER get to do that on the holidays so we both kind of dread them because we are trying to please everyone. This year we thought about us and McCoy and it was the best year yet. (no offense to anyone)

Mac's favorite present was of course wrapping paper and tissue paper! He is sure one spoiled loved little guy. He was gifted everything WE could have dream-t of. But more importantly he was able to spend it with our loved ones. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by and see Mac. To those we weren't able to see on the day know we loved you and were thinking of you!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas just as much as we did. Cannot wait to see what 2014 has in store!

4 month mister

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I cannot believe that 4 months ago we were blessed with the most perfect gift from god. McCoy is the center of our whole world. He changes daily and it is so much fun to watch him grow and learn and it is so surreal to me that i am his mama, I sure am lucky. I think he teaches me more than i could ever teach him and he doesn't even know it yet. I could go on an on about how much I love this jelly bean but then we would be here for days. 

Age: 4 Months
Stats: 13.15 lbs. (20th percentile), 24.8 inches (25th percentile), 16.4 head circ (50th percentile)
Clothes: Some 0-3 months onsies still fit, 3-6 months mainly and some 6 month because he is getting so long!

Mister did so good at his 4 month check up. I didn't even cry when he got shots this time! Yes i am proud of myself for that, because i full on bawled at his 2 month appointment. He only cried for a second too!Doc gave him a clean bill of health and we are even seeing an improvement in his acid reflux, and that is such a relief.

Things we are loving...
His bouncer thank you sooo much to our friends the the Darlings for letting us borrow it little man loves it so much he frequently falls asleep in it...
His kick and play
His tortle.... I took him to the ped at 3 months and they told me that the left side of his head was a little flat so we needed to do our best to position him on the right. So we bought an infant positioning beanie at the doctors request and it is helping to fix the problem!

Home Sweet Home!

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We have only been back in Utah for 6 weeks almost 7 now and guess what these crazy kids did?

That's right we bought a house! Some might think we jumped the gun and we should take sometime to get settled but we found it and fell in love. Almost everything we could have every dreamt of. It is perfect and we are so blessed and excited to be able to raise McCoy here. 

I cannot wait to finish decorating and take some pictures so that all of you can "tour" our home! It is such a blessing that we are able to do this. We got so excited that we are now in a permanent place that we even went and met our neighbors! Guys, that is something that we have never done before! Seriously we never stay in one place very long (no more than a year) so we never get to know the people around us. We got close in Cali but meh our friends were close enough neighbors weren't needed ;)

I hope to have a tour up in the next couple of weeks, and come cool DIY projects that we have been working on. 

So exciting to finally be able to hang things on walls!!

Oh where have i been!

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I know i know it has been an extremely long time since i have blogged! What is up with that?

I'm sorry i will get better and set aside time just for blogging especially since so many amazing things have happened. So be prepared for some updated later today and tomorrow. Shoot who know maybe even the day after that if i'm feeling a little crazy ;)

Weekend Halloween Festivities!

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It is so good to be home and enjoy this amazing fall weather. Like i said fall. From what i am hearing it is supposed to snow tomorrow and we definitely are not fans of that business so me and McCoy will be making our way back to California and dad will send money. JOKE. I only semi wish, i'm not prepared for the snow. 

Since the snow will soon be upon us we took extra efforts this weekend to enjoy the nice weather outside with the family. We did some fun Halloween activities and got to see old friends and of course hang out with our awesome family. 

Here are some of the pictures we got to capture all of the fun!

Grandma and Grandpa Sned joined in on the fun for McCoy's first pumpkin patch experience. Because of course he'll remember it ;)

First family fun Halloween picture love it!

We took him to a kid Halloween party that Grandma's friend throws every year. We dressed Mr. up as a pirate, a.k.a put him in a pirate onsie. Ya we aren't full blown into costumes for a 3 month old so shoot us. 

It was such a fun way to spend the weekend with family and start new traditions. We cannot wait until next year and he really starts to enjoy the holiday!

We hope everyone else enjoyed this warm weekend like we did!

3 Months!

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Time for an updated again already! I feel like i haven't blogged in forever, maybe because i haven't i really need to keep up on this more!

Age: 3 Months
Stats: 13.0 lbs. (25th percentile), 22 1/2 inches (5th percentile)
Clothes: He is in 0-3 months, 3 months and some 3-6 months. He has massive feet though so his socks are 6 month socks!

That face! My child is pure beauty. Of course i'm biased

Items we are loving: 
  • His jumper! Thanks to our awesome friends the Darling's for letting us borrow theirs. McCoy loves it and mama loves it too. I can put him in it and get some laundry done!
  • Pottery barn swaddle blankets; they are the only blanket that i can wrap him in for a nap time that he wont bust out of so that i dont have to hold him through every nap
  • Our boppy pillow; tummy time essential for the little man who hates tummy time. 
  • Hats, lots and lost of hats in this cold weather

It is seriously so much fun to watch McCoy grow. His little personality keeps shining through more and more each day. He is seriously such a blessing. I love watching him smile and those giggles. Oh me oh my those giggles melt my heart. They can turn any bad day right around.

He has officially found his hands and feet and he is memorized i mean really memorized at their capabilities. He is a pro roller and wants to crawl so bad that he army crawls forward. Super cute. Cant wait for him to start actually crawling!

We're Here!!!

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We made it back to Utah!
Oh boy was that the longest trip of my life.

We started packing the truck around 5PM Thursday (9/26) night and didn't finish well into Friday morning and then headed out! With a baby and a tired mama and papa it make for a trip that didn't land us back to SLC until 2 am Saturday (9/28) morning. It was a journey that is for sure!

We are so so happy to be back. But i have to say i really miss California already. Two reasons the weather, man i forgot how cold it is in Utah and I am not a fan right about now and neither is McCoy he needs a whole new wardrobe. Second I miss my nice clean organic grocery store right across the street. The Walmart and smiths here just aren't up to par. Makes me feel snooty haha Other than that everything is great and it is so nice being so close to family and friends.

Best part about being back is this reunion.

Baby Wearing....You Into it?

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So a new trend is baby wearing.
I know some people are really into it and others think that it is straight up crazy.

When i first got pregnant i wasnt quite sure about it all and if I was a firm believer in the practice. BUT I saw the super cute Sakura Baby Bloom sling and decided it was a must have for my little man on the way.

When i first got it i only used it to nurse McCoy but one day he would not let me put him down and i desperately needed to do the dishes. So i plopped him in it in the cradle position, like nursing, and he freaked out! I tried the tummy to tummy position and he was in love! Shoot we both were. It became a must have and an easy way to calm him down when he is fussy. However, it was pretty restricting when trying to do things around the house because of its lack of head support. [Note. it can have head support if you tuck pull the extra fabric over his head. He just hates it] And also difficulty with range of motion due to the fabric draping over one shoulder. It is seriously perfect to go out for a walk or to the mall or even the grocery store but for chores and working not so much. Other downfall  the hubs didn't really wanna rock it but loves holding little man so we wanted something more conventional. 

I started to hear great things about the Ergo Baby, which by the way is on sale on GILT today! So i decided to do some research. The Ergo Baby is awesome seriously one of the best soft carriers on the market and the reviews form other mamas were nothing but positive. However, positioning was very important to us. Mr. McCoy is so cusious and strains his neck when facing forward because he wants to look out so bad. The only negative (that we saw) was the fact that with the Ergo Baby you cannot face out with baby. So naturally what did i do? I found the next best thing on the market with similar reviews and was also a soft carrier that allowed Mac to face out once big enough. Look what i stumbled upon....the Lille Baby Complete!

It was everything we wanted and then some. It was a soft carrier with plenty of neck support, equal weight distribution across the back, and it allows you to wear it on your front, hip, or back, with baby facing in or out. The ultimate carrier. And It's something we can both rock i mean look at this...

Does it get any sexier than a man wearing your baby and grocery shopping? Ugh i think not!
 Best part about it is Mac is in love with it! Best investment in a baby product to date!

Baby #2....

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Haha no no definitely no baby number two over here. 1 is plenty for me (forever)

But we do have so big news to share as promised....
We are moving, moving back to UTAH
It is crazy I know and happening all so very fast. Ty got an awesome job with an offer that could not be refused and it was the perfect avenue to get our butts back home and mister McCoy can be around his family. 

We are going to miss California like crazy. Seriously this place has grown on me immensely, and the wonders it has done for my life professionally, emotionally, and most importantly the joy it has brought me. I started a family here, i fell more in love with my best friend and have been on so many adventures that it feels somewhat wrong to leave. However, we know we are doing the right thing. McCoy should be able to develop a relationship with his grandparents and uncles and aunts while not being 700 miles away. 

Maybe one day we will end up in the beautiful place again, but most likely this move back will be permanent. I'm so glad that we took the adventure out here and fell in love with it and i wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Now when we get home the fun begins house hunting! Whooohooo any areas or builders that anyone is loving right now? We are open to suggestions. 

Now onto the star of the blog Mac. He is doing awesome. He is a sensitive little guy and gets overwhelmed easy, but hey wouldn't you after being in a dark warm place for 9 months?
He loves going out and looking at things but sometimes the sounds are too much for him. He loves looking at lights, especially colored ones so taking him to the outdoor mall at night is a blast! He is sure a handful but in our eyes perfect in every way.

I started work again and he is just my little buddy and hangs out next to my desk in his bouncer most of the day. I take breaks to feed him and play with him before he goes down for his naps. It is working out great except for days where he wants to nap in my arms. Then that is a little tough. Luckily the Sakura sling my brother bought me saves the day. He just cuddles up in it and is out and tada i have both hands again.

Little guy is starting to find his feet. Yesterday he was real real angry at me when couldn't hold him up to stare at his feet because i had to go to the bathroom. I mean it was a quick second and he threw a fit but the second i came back and sat him up all was ok. He just sits and stares at them as he wiggles them, it is the cutest thing. And i think he wants to grab them but still hasn't figured out that his hands can do that yet so he kinda just folds into a little taco. Super cute but bad for his reflux, lots of spit up after these sessions!

Well back to work and onto packing and playing with my lil bean. I will update soon on how the move and stuff and going!

2 Months

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Oh me oh my my little jelly bean is 2 months and his cute little personality is showing more than ever. He can totally be a diva...definitely doesn't get that from his mom ;)...and even though he is a handful he is a freaking blast. We love spending time with him, since his he never wants to be put down in the evenings we have to work around him but mommy and daddy have a good system going. We even take him to the gym, yup that is right, he stares at us while we run on the treadmill and by the time we each have a couple miles in he is ready to be held so what does mama do with baby, we lunge. Yup i hold him while doing lunges, i lay him on a mat while i do push ups and give him kisses after each one (oh boy does he thing that is funny), and curl him while doing sit-ups. Who said its hard to work out with a baby? Jk jk it has its challenges but this is definitely working for us. 

Ok so on a few different blogs i have seen the baby stats and i thought it would be a cute way to remember McCoy and maybe he can read all about it when he is older so i am going to continue to do it each month!

Age: 2 Months
Stats: 11.6 lbs. (25th percentile), 22 1/2 inches (25th percentile)
Clothes: He has officially grown out of all things newborn :( breaks my heart because they are just so tiny and adorable and it means he is growing too fast. Makes mama cry. He is now in 3 months clothes and they fit perfect with a few 3-6 monthers that are a tad big. 

Oh hey mama i dont even know that i'm about to get a ton of shots and we are both going to cry our eyes out. 

Items we are loving: 
  • Our activity mat; McCoy is just learning to swat and its so cute when he actually hits a toy and looks mezmorized like "Hey, i totally just did that. Lets see if I can do it again!"
  • Pottery barn swaddle blankets; they are the only blanket that i can wrap him in for a nap time that he wont bust out of so that i dont have to hold him through every nap
  • Our boppy pillow; only way he will fall asleep at night since he has acid reflux and needs to be propped up. I wish we had a nap nanny!
  • Johnson & Johnson nighttime lotion, definitely helps put him to sleep at night

Our little monster is so strong. The pediatrician told us he is developing well and his head control is amazing and he can lift himself up so high. So that is awesome makes for a proud mama and papa. He is definitely a morning person, and gets that from his daddy. He wakes up beaming and laughing and it is the single cutest thing i have ever seen in this world. He is content in the morning and into the afternoon if he doesnt miss his morning nap but we are still trying to figure out the early evening. I know almost all babies have a fussy time in the evening and McCoy is definitely one of them. He is just so curious and loves to look around at things so we are constantly walking around the house or out on walks (our favorite). We love our baby boy so much and are so lucky to have him.

In other news mama started work again, oh boy! Yesterday was my first day back and it was a nice easy transition thanks to my awesome boss. I currently work from home so that is nice that daycare is not involved i think i would bawl if i had to leave my munchkin all day long. 

So many changes are happening in our lives this week and we cant wait to share them. More updates soon!

Positive Change

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Ty and I were just talking the other day how that when we were little and we had the summer off of school; it seemed like those three months lasted FOREVER. I mean in a good way though and now we are constantly saying where has the time gone?

McCoy is 8 weeks on Tuesday and we cant believe that it has been that long. He has changed so much. He has the sweetest personality and the cutest smiles and those coos? I mean really does it get any cuter than hearing little baby coos? I don't think so. They literally just melt my heart.

So of course when you have a lil babe your whole life changes. For some people it changes in ways they never expected and sometimes the change can be overwhelming and unwelcome. And for others it changes in such a positive and welcoming manner, we can honestly say we fit into that category. We used to spend our night turning on the TV when we got home first thing from work, not anymore, we play with the babe and take a walk to the park as a family each night. It's awesome. Also on weekends it was like what should we do? Dinner and a movie? The bar? We now just love kickin it inside with our lil babe and watching movies and playing with his toys. It's crazy i never thought i would enjoy watching a 2 month old stare at an activity gym, but I think I have more fun watching him than he has playing with it ha ha We also think that he may have a cows milk allergy (just like his momma when she was a babe) so i have had to completely change my diet. No dairy or soy according to his pediatrician we will know in a couple more weeks if it is indeed that allergy. But needless to say i have been on a vegan/meat diet haha but it's causing me to come up with all sorts of yummy recipes

We are loving the being parents and realize it has its challenges but we love being learning and growing with McCoy. He's still alive and kicking so hey we must be doing something right! We are missing a crucial member of our family though and cant wait until lil B gets to join us again. It's just not the same without him around the house and we miss him dearly. Hopefully before snow falls in Utah we can have the little guy back, and he wont have to endure the cold!

Well happy hump day for this cute baby boy

6 Week Growth Spurt

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Mister McCoy will be 7 weeks tomorrow. Oh my how the time has flown by. He is changing and growing more and more each day. And while we love to watch him grow, momma wants him to stay a tiny little boy forever. 

He is too big for most of his newborn clothes, so sad that its already time to pack those puppies away. But super fun to get a ton of the bigger ones out and of course shopping!! I am loving the fall stuff that gap is coming out with for little boys so cute!

The past week little man has been extra fussy during the day and fighting his naps. From what we have read it is due to a growth spurt and boy oh boy is the growth spurt noticeable our 7 lb 9 ounce newborn now weighs 10 lbs 7 ounces. WOW! He is also just so curious and wants to look at everything. So not only does he want to be held but you have to walk around and look out windows etc. He just loves taking it all in, but quickly gets overwhelmed so that is fun! We go on plenty of walks at least three a day to get momma out of the house and little bean gets to look at what the world has to offer. 

It is seriously so amazing watching him take it all in. It brightens up our days. Daddy and baby have such an incredible bond that makes mommy a tad jealous ;). Ty is just sooooo amazing with our son it is so incredible. How did i get so lucky to be blessed with both of them? Ty and McCoy just look in each others eyes and have a conversation and it is truly amazing. McCoy just beams at him, I video tape their sessions frequently.

Well happy Monday....Oh man i am going to really hate Mondays when i have to go back to work, until then i will enjoy my time staring at this face all day long. 

McCoy "Spit-Up" Sneddon

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Whew since my last post we have had some rough and tough days. Not really anything that is soooo bad that we cant handle it but lets start from the beginning. 

So mister sleeps really good he is such a good napper and sleeps through the night we are so blessed. When he was born he didn't really have a spit up problem nor gas. Well in the last couple of weeks he started projectile vomiting, lets just say that our house smells like sour milk. Not spitting up but cottage cheese looking vomit that was accompanied by screaming. And it wasn't only when he ate; he would fall asleep for a nap only to wake up 30 minutes later and scream horribly and vomit. He was also ridiculously gassy due to the screaming fits that made him swallow lots of air. Poor guy. I often found myself crying because there was nothing i could do. I started to think that he had colic but didn't want to think it was possible because of how good he was before. 

So google became my best friend and i discovered reflux and GERD, I immediately started to log his symptoms and after 5 days they matched perfectly so Monday i called the pediatrician and they got us in immediately. They put little Mac on baby Zantac and the screaming and vomiting has stopped. It is like a miracle drug! They also told me to change my diet and cut out all cow's milk and soy, so all the good stuff ;)

I'm more than willing to do it if my healthy happy baby benefits from it. We have a follow up appointment for them to check a few more things but for now the Zantac is working and he slept through the night the last two nights and today i already got a 2 hour nap out of the little munchkin. Love that he is feeling better and momma can stop crying from seeing baby boy so upset. 

Happy hump-day...I know this picture makes me feel a so much better hopefully it gives you something to SMILE about. 

4 Weeks and 2 Days But Who's Counting

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I seriously cant believe that two days ago marked 4 weeks that my baby boy was born. 
It has been the most amazing time in our lives to date. We cant get enough of him. 
It baffles both of us that someone so small, who cant really interact with you can be so - entertaining. 

Seriously when before McCoy joined our family we would come straight home and watch TV for the night. Nothing else just eat dinner and sit on our asses. Now the TV is one for max an hour after the baby goes down at night. We now enjoy spending our evenings playing with the babes and staring at him and then having a cold brew talking about our days over dinner while he naps and we anxiously wait for him to wake up!

He is perfect in every way shape and form. We are working on a pretty strict schedule these days which is helping baby boy sleep through the night. Yes you read that right my 1 month old almost sleeps through the night. We put him down around 9:30-10:30 and he usually sleeps until at least 5:30 then wakes up for a quick snack and lets momma sleep until 7 or 8. But last night was bliss he slept for a solid 9 1/2 hours! The cashier at the grocery store commented that she was amazed i wasn't more exhausted. Not saying we don't have our nights where he wakes up at 2:30 and wont fall back asleep up 5 AM. Ya that happens but that isn't the regular. He is however not loving the nap time in his crib. We were letting him nap in people arms, because everyone wants to hold a sleeping baby and just stare at them, but we want to get him used to his crib early on so that we dont have to deal with this later, it's just easier to get in the habit now that i have so much time to work with him. But hey its working he is sleeping through the night! Wooohoooo. 

Here are just a few of my favorite photos of the 1000 i've snapped this month

Loves his cuddle time with B

Annnndddd we have coined the phrase "Grumpy Coy" because my childs faces looks like this majority of the time!

Love this face! I thoroughly enjoy our cuddle sessions in bed as a family and capturing moments like this. BEST THING IN THIS WORLD

And my all time favorite... My two boys cuddling, Ty is such a natural Daddy it is the most beautiful thing to watch. 

McCoy's Birth Story

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I cant believe that my little man is already 3 1/2 weeks old. Time is seriously flying by. We are loving every single nano-second to the max. He is such a blessing to our little family and we couldn't be more thrilled that god blessed us with him!

I kept thinking how the heck am I going to be able to write this because it was such a special, emotional and loving moment that i cant begin to recreate that in words. However, I am certainly going to try :), you are warned this might be a long post. 

As most of you know from reading my blog I have had a fairly easy pregnancy, minimal aches and pains, no morning sickness and for the most part pretty full of energy. I loved spending all of my free time outside with Ty and B so naturally i assumed that labor and delivery would follow suit. I was sadly mistaken. 

Lets start with July 3rd. It was a normal day like any other. I was feeling pretty crampy when i woke up in the morning but nothing too serious. Just a little uncomfortable. Ty and i stayed up late that night since we both had work off the next day and the cramps started to progress and get a tad stronger. They werent consistent so i thought for sure it was just some braxton hicks contractions. Well when we finally went to lay down for the night the contractions got worse. They didnt really hurt but they definitely were uncomfortable enough to keep me up. So i decided to time them. Sure enough they were every 5 minutes...time to call the hospital. I called and spoke to the on call doctor (by this time it's 1 am July 4th). She said since it was my first baby to stay home and hang tight until my contractions were bad enough that i wasn't able to talk through them. When Ty woke up in the morning I told him i thought we were going to have a baby that day. He got super excited and we started getting everything in the car and ready to go. We had plans with some friends that evening and i really didn't want to cancel and the contractions were still manageable so we went. To cut this long story short...I was in pre-labor [the beginning stages of active labor where contractions begin] for a full 5 days. Yes, you read that right consistent contractions every few minutes for FIVE DAYS. Needless to say I was sure uncomfortable. I had two doctors appointments in that time frame and i asked each time to just be induced even though it was before my due date. Not because it hurt but because I was sooo anxious to meet the littler guy. 

July 8th was like any other day. I worked, did a little workout, made dinner for the hubs and relaxed and watched some TV. That night we stayed up in bed talk about meeting the little baby and how excited we were and that we couldn't wait and we wished it was right now. Well our prayers were answered. At about 11 PM my contractions woke me up. They were really really intense, but i was still able to talk through them so i tried to go back to sleep. Well I couldn't they just made me too uncomfortable. So i went downstairs to try and walk them out and not wake up Ty. At about 2 AM they were every 4 minutes and they stopped me in my tracks. Again i was able to talk but i thought "Man if i have to stop walking when i get one of these then I should probably call the doctor." So I did and she said "Yay, looks like you are past pre-labor and in active you should probably head on in!". SHIT JUST GOT REAL.

I woke up Ty and said "Babe it's time" and he popped right out of bed and  said "Did your water break?" I laughed and said "No dude but i'm in active labor now, we are having a baby today!" We were flustered about getting dressed even though all the bags were in the car it still felt so surreal.  We were going to meet our little man that day. I just kept telling Ty "I need pants, find me some pants." On our way to the hospital Ty just kept talking to me and kept me laughing so i didn't have to think about the contractions. It was so helpful. We got to labor and delivery at about 2:30 am. The nurse checked me and said "Hunny, you are only 80% effaced and 3 Centimeters Dilated, we cant check you in right now, you are going to have to walk it out to at least a 4!" WTF!!! So for the next hour my sweet husband walked me around the hospital holding my hand as we tried to progress the labor. That was fun! Haha longest hour of my life. The contractions got more and more intense and i know i had to be at least a 7 haha. Nope i got checked after that hour long walk and i was only a 4 :(,but luckily it was enough to be checked in and we knew we were having a baby that day. 

My original plan was to have a natural birth, no drugs and in a squatting position. Yup that's right squatting. It is the most natural form to give birth and the easiest on mother and baby. I was sticking to my guns and said no to the epidural at first. I held my ground until about 6-7 centimeters and at that point i was about 9 hours into active labor. Then this funny thing happened my kid decided to be stubborn...wait my kid,no way no him! This baby was sunny side up (posterior position). This is when the face is facing your abdomen as opposed to your tush. This in turn causes coupling contractions, which is multiple contractions without a break. Now at this point contractions should be every 3-4 minutes and lasting 45 seconds. Because of the babies position i was have one contraction after another lasting 1 minute with a 30 second break before the next coupling started. Ya that is when i asked for the epidural. An hour of that and i thought i was going to lose it. Tears were just flooding down my cheeks and i didnt know if i could take too much more. 

The epideral came and was utter bliss, it threw off my birthing plan but at least i knew that it would make it that much more of an enjoyable experience. The doctor came in and broke my water to progress labor and thought we would have a baby by lunch time. it was about 9 am by then. An hour later he came back at i had progressed to an 8 right on progress. Then another hour went by and i was starting to feel my contractions again so they gave me what they call a bolus. It helped which was great. The doctor came back to check me and i was still at an 8, when i should have been a 9. Then the contractions came back. They tried to give me another bolus and it didn't work. My body wasn't responding to the drugs and my back was full of it so there was nothing they could do. Baby was still sunny side up and wasn't turning and i was still having coupling contractions. The doctor came back again at by this time it was 1:30 PM and i was still only at an 8. By this time i was going on 2 hours without drugs and these coupling contractions. The pain was intense. I spent that time squeezing Ty's arms so tight when my eyes closed, tears running down my face and trying to breath through them. Man it hard when the contractions are that close together, but my little man was well worth it. Then at 2:30 the doctor came back in and checked me and said "Well its time to get that baby out. He is stuck, and not turning and you aren't progressing fast enough so we are going to prep you for a c-section." I was so against this in the beginning because i didn't want to have to deal with the recovery, but i was in so much pain and drugs weren't working that i was just like "Let's cut this baby out!" 

They had to give me the anesthesia higher in my back due to the epidural that was stuck in my lower back. Once it was administered it was bliss, the pain of the contractions stopped and I was ready to meet the mister McCoy. Since i had so much in my system i was having a hard time breathing and Ty had to keep talking to me to keep me awake. It was actually kind of scary but the second they said "Are you ready to meet him?" my eyes were wide open. They pulled down the sheet in front of my and held him up and we heard those absolutely amazingly beautiful cries for the first time. He was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. 

At 3:15 PM McCoy Jon Sneddon graced the world with his presence for the first time.

Tears flooded my eyes and Ty told me how beautiful he was and how perfect he was. His cries were even perfect. Ty brought him over to me and all i wanted to do was snuggle him and kiss him. I was amazed that something so precious was inside me for so long, and that were created him. 

Please excuse my massive, fluid filled face, and apparently it looks like i got punched in the face. 

We were wheeled back to the room to recover and spend time with our sweet baby. Unfortunately due to what i had in my system i wasn't even able to hold my baby for the first 3 hours. My arms just wouldn't work. It sucked, Ty brought him to me though so that i could snuggle them both and kiss them and just stare at him for hours. 

Even though it was a rough first week for momma and baby due to the c-section I am so grateful that he arrived safely and in mint condition.

I am also amazed at my husband. He is truly the most thoughtful, caring and attentive man in the entire world. He was so good to me during the whole experience, and truly so loving that I was frequently overwhelmed by the love i have for him just when looking at him. I am so blessed that he chose me to share this lifelong journey with him as we try to be the best parents we can be to our little bean. I didn't think it was possible that this little man that we brought into this world would allow me to fall even more in love with my husband.

We are so blessed and i am so grateful for what god has given us. I thank my momma for taking care of my baby boy in heaven before he was delivered to our arms. Must be why he is so perfect.

Can wait to keep the blog going to update everyone on how McCoy is doing. Cant believe he will be one month on Tuesday, keep a look out for that post!

annnnnnddddddd we have a baby! 39 weeks 2 days

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Here is the new light of our lives. 
Welcome to the world McCoy Jon Sneddon
Born 7/9/2103 at 3:15 PM weighing 7 lbs 9 ounces

We were lucky enough to have god bless us with this amazingly cute baby boy who is absolutely beyond perfect. There isn't a single thing we would want to change about him!

We are enjoying all the time we get to cherish with him and trying our best to adapt to this new sleep deprived lifestyle. 

We are certainly adjusting and bumping into walls due to pure exhaustion but we both can say without a doubt he is well worth it. 

Birth story to come...

Whew where to start

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Okay, okay so i have a lot of catching up to do. So expect about 2-3 posts within the next couple of days. I'm going to try and knock them all out right now but that is highly unlikely come-on lets me honest. 

So we will start with my 38th week which is what i left off on. 

This is when things started to get really real and i got more nervous/excited. Papa aka Ty was as ready as ever but i still felt like i had so much crap to do between school and for all of you that know me i am a complete clean freak. So i was constantly scrubbing the house making sure it was ready for McCoy little did i know i was nesting. Ya that's right nesting. It's the time right before you give birth that you get a spurt of energy and go crazy. I just knew that something was going to happen soon, well duh i was due the following week. 

I will write more about what happened this week when i write our birthing story, but lets just say this is when it all started to do down!

The week before we had a check up to check my amniotic fluid because i was measuring really big. I was lucky enough to get these cute photos of our sweet baby boy

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 43 lbs Yup that is right i gained 6 lbs this week. Come to find out later almost all water thank god!
Maternity clothes? Sweats and maternity shorts are my fav since it has been so hot here. 
Stretch marks? Same small ones i caught before nothing major though. 
Sleep: Haha less and less each day. My body is just preparing itself i guess. 
Best moment this week: Hearing a strong heartbeat and seeing on paper that he is moving!
Miss Anything? Sushi, running, lifting and feeling like a normal human lol. I feel like the michelan man. 
Movement: Yup he start back up with kicks and rolls and then went and got himself stuck! [More on that later]
Food cravings:  Vanilla ice cream. I dont know why but that is seriously all i want with caramel topping. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain/pressure. 
Development: Based on the ultrasound that i got they said little man is HUGE. They are estimating that is birth weight will be almost 9lbs and almost 21 inches long. GREAT...that is going to be fun to push out. He is well develop and one happy healthy baby. All organs look great and this full term man is ready to come!
Labor Signs: Oh ya at the end of the week. I ended up being in early labor for 5 days. Ya lucky me!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On, still stuck there. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Elated
Looking forward to: Snuggling my him and just being able to be his momma. 

37 Weeks. I'm So Over This

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So excited to write the 37 weeks post! That just means i am that much closer to delivery, and i am so sick of of being pregnant!
Woooohooooo.....Even though i am 38 weeks now [post to come].

Well week 37 was a crazy one. It was busy busy busy for both of us at work so we were really looking forward to the weekend. We had a doctors appointment on Friday which then made us paranoid parents over the weekend and turned Ty into and over cautious daddy to be/husband. 

So I hadn't felt the baby move since Thursday night. I didn't think anything of it on Friday morning when i woke up, because i knew i had an appointment later that afternoon. I told Ty and he immediately started playing with my belly to wake baby up but no such luck, so he was more than happy to leave in more than enough time for our doctors appointment. When we got there the doctor was worried that baby hadn't moved in so long, but luckily still had a really strong heartbeat. So we had to go get an ultrasound done and and NST. The NST is just a way to monitor the babies heart rate and movements on paper. And you best believe the second i sat down to get the test our little man became the mover we know all too well. That was a HUGE relief. Ty's ghost white face finally regained some color. The ultrasound showed that baby was in there and huge...[more on that later] but it showed i had high amniotic fluid. That can be a bad thing for baby so they suggested instead of once a week visits to the doctor we make it two days a week. Oh goodie....we live at the doctors now!

Even though everything was good Ty asked all weekend how baby was and if he was moving, and boy was he! 

Whew who would have thought that we would be this concerned this close to delivery? I am hoping that my water breaks and we get to meet this littler guy but still not dilated! UGH....common McCoy mommy and daddy are ready to meet you!

Not only does B think that all the baby stuff is his...He thinks my belly is a good resting place! Not for long little man not for long!

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 37 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Not really only when i go to the doctor. I mostly wear sweats. 
Stretch marks? Still only the 4 small almost invisible ones. Thanks goodness!
Sleep: Still non existent. Which sucks
Best moment this week: Hearing a strong heartbeat and seeing on paper that he is moving!
Miss Anything? Sushi, running, lifting and raw cookie dough. I know that is a weird one. 
Movement: Not really ;(
Food cravings:  Nothing in particular. Except at this very moment i could go for a vanilla milkshake!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain!
Development: [More up to date stats on 38 week post]Little man is huge he is 6lbs and 20-22 inches long (just like last time)! He loves hearing mommy and daddy's voice and even gives a little kick when he hears our voices. His lungs are still developing but just about there. He is ready to come at any time! 
Labor Signs: Yup! Contractions are starting but they are still super inconsistent and in the mix of braxton hicks.  
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On, still stuck there. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Elated
Looking forward to: Snuggling my chubby man

36 Weeks

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I fully meant to post this earlier but then I forgot and then got busy ha! 
I plan on posting pictures of his nursery sometime this weekend. It is absolutely adorable if i do say so myself, but of course I am biased. 

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs (whoop whoop at least i'm not gaining)
Maternity clothes? Still looking like a homeless person
Stretch marks? Unfortunately i have 4 small baby stretch marks! I need this little man to come now so i don't get anymore. 
Sleep: Me and my friend insomnia are like besties stuck at the hip
Best moment this week: Realizing I can go into labor at any time. 
Miss Anything? Sushi, running and lifting. 
Movement: Tons of hiccups its so freaking adorable. 
Food cravings:  Nothing really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain, lower back pain and foot swelling :( 
Development: Little man is huge he is 6lbs and 20-22 inches long (just like last time)! He loves hearing mommy and daddy's voice and even gives a little kick when he hears our voices. His lungs are still developing but just about there. He is ready to come at any time! 
Labor Signs: I felt like i was going to go into labor after our long walk on Sunday. It kicked my butt. 
Belly Button in or out? In! And i think it is going to stay in!
Wedding rings on or off? On, still stuck there. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, I do get moody when i get frustrated though. 
Looking forward to: Being able to snuggle him.