Oh me oh my my little jelly bean is 2 months and his cute little personality is showing more than ever. He can totally be a diva...definitely doesn't get that from his mom ;)...and even though he is a handful he is a freaking blast. We love spending time with him, since his he never wants to be put down in the evenings we have to work around him but mommy and daddy have a good system going. We even take him to the gym, yup that is right, he stares at us while we run on the treadmill and by the time we each have a couple miles in he is ready to be held so what does mama do with baby, we lunge. Yup i hold him while doing lunges, i lay him on a mat while i do push ups and give him kisses after each one (oh boy does he thing that is funny), and curl him while doing sit-ups. Who said its hard to work out with a baby? Jk jk it has its challenges but this is definitely working for us.
Ok so on a few different blogs i have seen the baby stats and i thought it would be a cute way to remember McCoy and maybe he can read all about it when he is older so i am going to continue to do it each month!
Age: 2 Months
Stats: 11.6 lbs. (25th percentile), 22 1/2 inches (25th percentile)
Clothes: He has officially grown out of all things newborn :( breaks my heart because they are just so tiny and adorable and it means he is growing too fast. Makes mama cry. He is now in 3 months clothes and they fit perfect with a few 3-6 monthers that are a tad big.
Oh hey mama i dont even know that i'm about to get a ton of shots and we are both going to cry our eyes out.
Items we are loving:
- Our activity mat; McCoy is just learning to swat and its so cute when he actually hits a toy and looks mezmorized like "Hey, i totally just did that. Lets see if I can do it again!"
- Pottery barn swaddle blankets; they are the only blanket that i can wrap him in for a nap time that he wont bust out of so that i dont have to hold him through every nap
- Our boppy pillow; only way he will fall asleep at night since he has acid reflux and needs to be propped up. I wish we had a nap nanny!
- Johnson & Johnson nighttime lotion, definitely helps put him to sleep at night
Our little monster is so strong. The pediatrician told us he is developing well and his head control is amazing and he can lift himself up so high. So that is awesome makes for a proud mama and papa. He is definitely a morning person, and gets that from his daddy. He wakes up beaming and laughing and it is the single cutest thing i have ever seen in this world. He is content in the morning and into the afternoon if he doesnt miss his morning nap but we are still trying to figure out the early evening. I know almost all babies have a fussy time in the evening and McCoy is definitely one of them. He is just so curious and loves to look around at things so we are constantly walking around the house or out on walks (our favorite). We love our baby boy so much and are so lucky to have him.
In other news mama started work again, oh boy! Yesterday was my first day back and it was a nice easy transition thanks to my awesome boss. I currently work from home so that is nice that daycare is not involved i think i would bawl if i had to leave my munchkin all day long.
So many changes are happening in our lives this week and we cant wait to share them. More updates soon!