Home Sweet Home!

We have only been back in Utah for 6 weeks almost 7 now and guess what these crazy kids did?

That's right we bought a house! Some might think we jumped the gun and we should take sometime to get settled but we found it and fell in love. Almost everything we could have every dreamt of. It is perfect and we are so blessed and excited to be able to raise McCoy here. 

I cannot wait to finish decorating and take some pictures so that all of you can "tour" our home! It is such a blessing that we are able to do this. We got so excited that we are now in a permanent place that we even went and met our neighbors! Guys, that is something that we have never done before! Seriously we never stay in one place very long (no more than a year) so we never get to know the people around us. We got close in Cali but meh our friends were close enough neighbors weren't needed ;)

I hope to have a tour up in the next couple of weeks, and come cool DIY projects that we have been working on. 

So exciting to finally be able to hang things on walls!!

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