I seriously cant believe that two days ago marked 4 weeks that my baby boy was born.
It has been the most amazing time in our lives to date. We cant get enough of him.
It baffles both of us that someone so small, who cant really interact with you can be so - entertaining.
Seriously when before McCoy joined our family we would come straight home and watch TV for the night. Nothing else just eat dinner and sit on our asses. Now the TV is one for max an hour after the baby goes down at night. We now enjoy spending our evenings playing with the babes and staring at him and then having a cold brew talking about our days over dinner while he naps and we anxiously wait for him to wake up!
He is perfect in every way shape and form. We are working on a pretty strict schedule these days which is helping baby boy sleep through the night. Yes you read that right my 1 month old almost sleeps through the night. We put him down around 9:30-10:30 and he usually sleeps until at least 5:30 then wakes up for a quick snack and lets momma sleep until 7 or 8. But last night was bliss he slept for a solid 9 1/2 hours! The cashier at the grocery store commented that she was amazed i wasn't more exhausted. Not saying we don't have our nights where he wakes up at 2:30 and wont fall back asleep up 5 AM. Ya that happens but that isn't the regular. He is however not loving the nap time in his crib. We were letting him nap in people arms, because everyone wants to hold a sleeping baby and just stare at them, but we want to get him used to his crib early on so that we dont have to deal with this later, it's just easier to get in the habit now that i have so much time to work with him. But hey its working he is sleeping through the night! Wooohoooo.
Here are just a few of my favorite photos of the 1000 i've snapped this month
Loves his cuddle time with B

Loves his cuddle time with B
Annnndddd we have coined the phrase "Grumpy Coy" because my childs faces looks like this majority of the time!
Love this face! I thoroughly enjoy our cuddle sessions in bed as a family and capturing moments like this. BEST THING IN THIS WORLD
And my all time favorite... My two boys cuddling, Ty is such a natural Daddy it is the most beautiful thing to watch.
Love all these pictures! I sure hope my baby will sleep that good!