McCoy "Spit-Up" Sneddon

Whew since my last post we have had some rough and tough days. Not really anything that is soooo bad that we cant handle it but lets start from the beginning. 

So mister sleeps really good he is such a good napper and sleeps through the night we are so blessed. When he was born he didn't really have a spit up problem nor gas. Well in the last couple of weeks he started projectile vomiting, lets just say that our house smells like sour milk. Not spitting up but cottage cheese looking vomit that was accompanied by screaming. And it wasn't only when he ate; he would fall asleep for a nap only to wake up 30 minutes later and scream horribly and vomit. He was also ridiculously gassy due to the screaming fits that made him swallow lots of air. Poor guy. I often found myself crying because there was nothing i could do. I started to think that he had colic but didn't want to think it was possible because of how good he was before. 

So google became my best friend and i discovered reflux and GERD, I immediately started to log his symptoms and after 5 days they matched perfectly so Monday i called the pediatrician and they got us in immediately. They put little Mac on baby Zantac and the screaming and vomiting has stopped. It is like a miracle drug! They also told me to change my diet and cut out all cow's milk and soy, so all the good stuff ;)

I'm more than willing to do it if my healthy happy baby benefits from it. We have a follow up appointment for them to check a few more things but for now the Zantac is working and he slept through the night the last two nights and today i already got a 2 hour nap out of the little munchkin. Love that he is feeling better and momma can stop crying from seeing baby boy so upset. 

Happy hump-day...I know this picture makes me feel a so much better hopefully it gives you something to SMILE about. 

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