I cant believe that my little man is already 3 1/2 weeks old. Time is seriously flying by. We are loving every single nano-second to the max. He is such a blessing to our little family and we couldn't be more thrilled that god blessed us with him!
I kept thinking how the heck am I going to be able to write this because it was such a special, emotional and loving moment that i cant begin to recreate that in words. However, I am certainly going to try :), you are warned this might be a long post.
As most of you know from reading my blog I have had a fairly easy pregnancy, minimal aches and pains, no morning sickness and for the most part pretty full of energy. I loved spending all of my free time outside with Ty and B so naturally i assumed that labor and delivery would follow suit. I was sadly mistaken.
Lets start with July 3rd. It was a normal day like any other. I was feeling pretty crampy when i woke up in the morning but nothing too serious. Just a little uncomfortable. Ty and i stayed up late that night since we both had work off the next day and the cramps started to progress and get a tad stronger. They werent consistent so i thought for sure it was just some braxton hicks contractions. Well when we finally went to lay down for the night the contractions got worse. They didnt really hurt but they definitely were uncomfortable enough to keep me up. So i decided to time them. Sure enough they were every 5 minutes...time to call the hospital. I called and spoke to the on call doctor (by this time it's 1 am July 4th). She said since it was my first baby to stay home and hang tight until my contractions were bad enough that i wasn't able to talk through them. When Ty woke up in the morning I told him i thought we were going to have a baby that day. He got super excited and we started getting everything in the car and ready to go. We had plans with some friends that evening and i really didn't want to cancel and the contractions were still manageable so we went. To cut this long story short...I was in pre-labor [the beginning stages of active labor where contractions begin] for a full 5 days. Yes, you read that right consistent contractions every few minutes for FIVE DAYS. Needless to say I was sure uncomfortable. I had two doctors appointments in that time frame and i asked each time to just be induced even though it was before my due date. Not because it hurt but because I was sooo anxious to meet the littler guy.
July 8th was like any other day. I worked, did a little workout, made dinner for the hubs and relaxed and watched some TV. That night we stayed up in bed talk about meeting the little baby and how excited we were and that we couldn't wait and we wished it was right now. Well our prayers were answered. At about 11 PM my contractions woke me up. They were really really intense, but i was still able to talk through them so i tried to go back to sleep. Well I couldn't they just made me too uncomfortable. So i went downstairs to try and walk them out and not wake up Ty. At about 2 AM they were every 4 minutes and they stopped me in my tracks. Again i was able to talk but i thought "Man if i have to stop walking when i get one of these then I should probably call the doctor." So I did and she said "Yay, looks like you are past pre-labor and in active you should probably head on in!". SHIT JUST GOT REAL.
I woke up Ty and said "Babe it's time" and he popped right out of bed and said "Did your water break?" I laughed and said "No dude but i'm in active labor now, we are having a baby today!" We were flustered about getting dressed even though all the bags were in the car it still felt so surreal. We were going to meet our little man that day. I just kept telling Ty "I need pants, find me some pants." On our way to the hospital Ty just kept talking to me and kept me laughing so i didn't have to think about the contractions. It was so helpful. We got to labor and delivery at about 2:30 am. The nurse checked me and said "Hunny, you are only 80% effaced and 3 Centimeters Dilated, we cant check you in right now, you are going to have to walk it out to at least a 4!" WTF!!! So for the next hour my sweet husband walked me around the hospital holding my hand as we tried to progress the labor. That was fun! Haha longest hour of my life. The contractions got more and more intense and i know i had to be at least a 7 haha. Nope i got checked after that hour long walk and i was only a 4 :(,but luckily it was enough to be checked in and we knew we were having a baby that day.
My original plan was to have a natural birth, no drugs and in a squatting position. Yup that's right squatting. It is the most natural form to give birth and the easiest on mother and baby. I was sticking to my guns and said no to the epidural at first. I held my ground until about 6-7 centimeters and at that point i was about 9 hours into active labor. Then this funny thing happened my kid decided to be stubborn...wait my kid,no way no him! This baby was sunny side up (posterior position). This is when the face is facing your abdomen as opposed to your tush. This in turn causes coupling contractions, which is multiple contractions without a break. Now at this point contractions should be every 3-4 minutes and lasting 45 seconds. Because of the babies position i was have one contraction after another lasting 1 minute with a 30 second break before the next coupling started. Ya that is when i asked for the epidural. An hour of that and i thought i was going to lose it. Tears were just flooding down my cheeks and i didnt know if i could take too much more.
The epideral came and was utter bliss, it threw off my birthing plan but at least i knew that it would make it that much more of an enjoyable experience. The doctor came in and broke my water to progress labor and thought we would have a baby by lunch time. it was about 9 am by then. An hour later he came back at i had progressed to an 8 right on progress. Then another hour went by and i was starting to feel my contractions again so they gave me what they call a bolus. It helped which was great. The doctor came back to check me and i was still at an 8, when i should have been a 9. Then the contractions came back. They tried to give me another bolus and it didn't work. My body wasn't responding to the drugs and my back was full of it so there was nothing they could do. Baby was still sunny side up and wasn't turning and i was still having coupling contractions. The doctor came back again at by this time it was 1:30 PM and i was still only at an 8. By this time i was going on 2 hours without drugs and these coupling contractions. The pain was intense. I spent that time squeezing Ty's arms so tight when my eyes closed, tears running down my face and trying to breath through them. Man it hard when the contractions are that close together, but my little man was well worth it. Then at 2:30 the doctor came back in and checked me and said "Well its time to get that baby out. He is stuck, and not turning and you aren't progressing fast enough so we are going to prep you for a c-section." I was so against this in the beginning because i didn't want to have to deal with the recovery, but i was in so much pain and drugs weren't working that i was just like "Let's cut this baby out!"
They had to give me the anesthesia higher in my back due to the epidural that was stuck in my lower back. Once it was administered it was bliss, the pain of the contractions stopped and I was ready to meet the mister McCoy. Since i had so much in my system i was having a hard time breathing and Ty had to keep talking to me to keep me awake. It was actually kind of scary but the second they said "Are you ready to meet him?" my eyes were wide open. They pulled down the sheet in front of my and held him up and we heard those absolutely amazingly beautiful cries for the first time. He was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.
At 3:15 PM McCoy Jon Sneddon graced the world with his presence for the first time.
Tears flooded my eyes and Ty told me how beautiful he was and how perfect he was. His cries were even perfect. Ty brought him over to me and all i wanted to do was snuggle him and kiss him. I was amazed that something so precious was inside me for so long, and that were created him.
Please excuse my massive, fluid filled face, and apparently it looks like i got punched in the face.
We were wheeled back to the room to recover and spend time with our sweet baby. Unfortunately due to what i had in my system i wasn't even able to hold my baby for the first 3 hours. My arms just wouldn't work. It sucked, Ty brought him to me though so that i could snuggle them both and kiss them and just stare at him for hours.
Even though it was a rough first week for momma and baby due to the c-section I am so grateful that he arrived safely and in mint condition.
I am also amazed at my husband. He is truly the most thoughtful, caring and attentive man in the entire world. He was so good to me during the whole experience, and truly so loving that I was frequently overwhelmed by the love i have for him just when looking at him. I am so blessed that he chose me to share this lifelong journey with him as we try to be the best parents we can be to our little bean. I didn't think it was possible that this little man that we brought into this world would allow me to fall even more in love with my husband.
We are so blessed and i am so grateful for what god has given us. I thank my momma for taking care of my baby boy in heaven before he was delivered to our arms. Must be why he is so perfect.
Can wait to keep the blog going to update everyone on how McCoy is doing. Cant believe he will be one month on Tuesday, keep a look out for that post!