I cannot believe that 4 months ago we were blessed with the most perfect gift from god. McCoy is the center of our whole world. He changes daily and it is so much fun to watch him grow and learn and it is so surreal to me that i am his mama, I sure am lucky. I think he teaches me more than i could ever teach him and he doesn't even know it yet. I could go on an on about how much I love this jelly bean but then we would be here for days.
Age: 4 Months
Stats: 13.15 lbs. (20th percentile), 24.8 inches (25th percentile), 16.4 head circ (50th percentile)
Clothes: Some 0-3 months onsies still fit, 3-6 months mainly and some 6 month because he is getting so long!
Mister did so good at his 4 month check up. I didn't even cry when he got shots this time! Yes i am proud of myself for that, because i full on bawled at his 2 month appointment. He only cried for a second too!Doc gave him a clean bill of health and we are even seeing an improvement in his acid reflux, and that is such a relief.
Things we are loving...
His bouncer thank you sooo much to our friends the the Darlings for letting us borrow it little man loves it so much he frequently falls asleep in it...
His kick and play
His tortle.... I took him to the ped at 3 months and they told me that the left side of his head was a little flat so we needed to do our best to position him on the right. So we bought an infant positioning beanie at the doctors request and it is helping to fix the problem!
Things we are loving...
His bouncer thank you sooo much to our friends the the Darlings for letting us borrow it little man loves it so much he frequently falls asleep in it...
His kick and play
His tortle.... I took him to the ped at 3 months and they told me that the left side of his head was a little flat so we needed to do our best to position him on the right. So we bought an infant positioning beanie at the doctors request and it is helping to fix the problem!