YEAH Baby is 1lb

I cant believe that I only have 18 weeks and 4 days left of this pregnancy (assuming full term). It is just insane to me that it has gone by this fast. I just cant believe it! We are so anxious to meet our little guy. I'm not ready for him by any means but I am certainly excited. I also found that a childhood friend of mine Tara is pregnant with twin boys and we have the same due date! Granted since she is having twins she wont carry those sweet babies as long as I will. What a small world is that?

We have been doing some research on best baby brands and what certain things are needed and why to stay away from others. All I have to say is WOW there is so much crap out there it is unbelievable. Luckily I think we are just about ready to put together our registry, yay! My awesome step-mom Rexine is throwing me a baby shower and I am so thrilled! Even better its the same weekend of my Grandpa Nelson's 90th birthday so I get to come back to Utah and celebrate both wahoo. 

Bruiser is starting to show some jealousy. He thinks all of the babies stuff is for him. When i get something new in the mail he jumps onto the table or wherever it is and lays all over it. It's safe to say i have to wash absolutely everything and I hope this baby isn't allergic to B. [Side note: We take B to the Laguna Beach dog park every Sunday for the much anticipated full hour of non-stop running, that surely wear him out thoroughly. They have two areas at the dog park, an area for small dogs and one for large. Well The last two Sundays weren't any different. On the 24th we took him and he made a new little Yorkie girlfriend! They played together in the small dog park but when we were getting ready to leave the owner of the other Yorkie {Bella} went into the big dog park area. Well we typically take B to play with the big dogs too but didn't feel comfortable because of the breeds that were in there this particular day. Bella seemed fine when we left. However, I took B this last Sunday and saw just a few dogs in the big dog area so we went in to play, where a woman informed me that a Yorkie was killed just the last Sunday. A golden retriever and snatched it up and broke its neck. I'm sad to say that is was B's sweet girlfriend Bella! :( Needless to say B will not be going in the large dog park anytime soon, i'm a paranoid momma already!}

Other than that all is good on the home-front for us! 
Last week was quite the week. I made a trip to Utah to hang with my awesome step-dad who definitely needed some company after losing my grandma (his momma . I think my family deserves a break this year. So nothing else can happen, i swear i have no more tears they have been all cried out. That is saying a lot since i drink over 100oz of water a day ;)

I am super excited for pre-natal yoga this weekend, it was missed while I was away.
I will post a much anticipate update with new ultrasound pictures once they are in hand tomorrow!

Bad picture i was rushing this morning and Ty wasn't available to take my picture. 

How far along? 21 Weeks, 3 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 18 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Yup! The second i get home from work its sweats! I have two pairs of regular jeans that are hanging in there. Rest of the time its maternity leggings, dresses and maternity jeans. 
Stretch marks? Nope! I don't think i am going to get them either. From what i remember my momma didn't have them. So like mother like daughter ;)
Sleep: AMAZING! I have been sleeping like a rock for the last few nights.  
Best moment this week: Doctors appointment tomorrow. Cant wait to get updated pictures.
Miss Anything? Sushi! Still just sushi, ahhh i miss it.  
Movement: Oh ya, as my brother would say he is an athlete already. 
Food cravings:  Still spicy stuff. Not as bad as it has been but still the spicier the better. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just Triscuts. I have no idea why but i want nothing to do with them. 
Symptoms: Round Ligament pain, heartburn, minor feet & hand swelling. 
Have you started to show yet: Oh ya! I am massive cant you tell? I think my hips and thighs are growing the most haha  
Gender: Boy
Development: Baby is the size of a Spaghetti Squash. Baby has finally broken the one pound mark! Wooohooo what a fatty. My little man is starting to develop his grip, holding tight to the umbilical cord for practice. He is starting to get more sense of light and dark. Hair is starting to grow on the top of his tiny little head, but still no idea what color because at this stage its bright white!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to:  Doctors visit!

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