Archive for July 2013

annnnnnddddddd we have a baby! 39 weeks 2 days

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Here is the new light of our lives. 
Welcome to the world McCoy Jon Sneddon
Born 7/9/2103 at 3:15 PM weighing 7 lbs 9 ounces

We were lucky enough to have god bless us with this amazingly cute baby boy who is absolutely beyond perfect. There isn't a single thing we would want to change about him!

We are enjoying all the time we get to cherish with him and trying our best to adapt to this new sleep deprived lifestyle. 

We are certainly adjusting and bumping into walls due to pure exhaustion but we both can say without a doubt he is well worth it. 

Birth story to come...

Whew where to start

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Okay, okay so i have a lot of catching up to do. So expect about 2-3 posts within the next couple of days. I'm going to try and knock them all out right now but that is highly unlikely come-on lets me honest. 

So we will start with my 38th week which is what i left off on. 

This is when things started to get really real and i got more nervous/excited. Papa aka Ty was as ready as ever but i still felt like i had so much crap to do between school and for all of you that know me i am a complete clean freak. So i was constantly scrubbing the house making sure it was ready for McCoy little did i know i was nesting. Ya that's right nesting. It's the time right before you give birth that you get a spurt of energy and go crazy. I just knew that something was going to happen soon, well duh i was due the following week. 

I will write more about what happened this week when i write our birthing story, but lets just say this is when it all started to do down!

The week before we had a check up to check my amniotic fluid because i was measuring really big. I was lucky enough to get these cute photos of our sweet baby boy

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 43 lbs Yup that is right i gained 6 lbs this week. Come to find out later almost all water thank god!
Maternity clothes? Sweats and maternity shorts are my fav since it has been so hot here. 
Stretch marks? Same small ones i caught before nothing major though. 
Sleep: Haha less and less each day. My body is just preparing itself i guess. 
Best moment this week: Hearing a strong heartbeat and seeing on paper that he is moving!
Miss Anything? Sushi, running, lifting and feeling like a normal human lol. I feel like the michelan man. 
Movement: Yup he start back up with kicks and rolls and then went and got himself stuck! [More on that later]
Food cravings:  Vanilla ice cream. I dont know why but that is seriously all i want with caramel topping. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain/pressure. 
Development: Based on the ultrasound that i got they said little man is HUGE. They are estimating that is birth weight will be almost 9lbs and almost 21 inches long. GREAT...that is going to be fun to push out. He is well develop and one happy healthy baby. All organs look great and this full term man is ready to come!
Labor Signs: Oh ya at the end of the week. I ended up being in early labor for 5 days. Ya lucky me!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On, still stuck there. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Elated
Looking forward to: Snuggling my him and just being able to be his momma. 

37 Weeks. I'm So Over This

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So excited to write the 37 weeks post! That just means i am that much closer to delivery, and i am so sick of of being pregnant!
Woooohooooo.....Even though i am 38 weeks now [post to come].

Well week 37 was a crazy one. It was busy busy busy for both of us at work so we were really looking forward to the weekend. We had a doctors appointment on Friday which then made us paranoid parents over the weekend and turned Ty into and over cautious daddy to be/husband. 

So I hadn't felt the baby move since Thursday night. I didn't think anything of it on Friday morning when i woke up, because i knew i had an appointment later that afternoon. I told Ty and he immediately started playing with my belly to wake baby up but no such luck, so he was more than happy to leave in more than enough time for our doctors appointment. When we got there the doctor was worried that baby hadn't moved in so long, but luckily still had a really strong heartbeat. So we had to go get an ultrasound done and and NST. The NST is just a way to monitor the babies heart rate and movements on paper. And you best believe the second i sat down to get the test our little man became the mover we know all too well. That was a HUGE relief. Ty's ghost white face finally regained some color. The ultrasound showed that baby was in there and huge...[more on that later] but it showed i had high amniotic fluid. That can be a bad thing for baby so they suggested instead of once a week visits to the doctor we make it two days a week. Oh goodie....we live at the doctors now!

Even though everything was good Ty asked all weekend how baby was and if he was moving, and boy was he! 

Whew who would have thought that we would be this concerned this close to delivery? I am hoping that my water breaks and we get to meet this littler guy but still not dilated! UGH....common McCoy mommy and daddy are ready to meet you!

Not only does B think that all the baby stuff is his...He thinks my belly is a good resting place! Not for long little man not for long!

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 37 lbs 
Maternity clothes? Not really only when i go to the doctor. I mostly wear sweats. 
Stretch marks? Still only the 4 small almost invisible ones. Thanks goodness!
Sleep: Still non existent. Which sucks
Best moment this week: Hearing a strong heartbeat and seeing on paper that he is moving!
Miss Anything? Sushi, running, lifting and raw cookie dough. I know that is a weird one. 
Movement: Not really ;(
Food cravings:  Nothing in particular. Except at this very moment i could go for a vanilla milkshake!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Symptoms: Pelvic pain!
Development: [More up to date stats on 38 week post]Little man is huge he is 6lbs and 20-22 inches long (just like last time)! He loves hearing mommy and daddy's voice and even gives a little kick when he hears our voices. His lungs are still developing but just about there. He is ready to come at any time! 
Labor Signs: Yup! Contractions are starting but they are still super inconsistent and in the mix of braxton hicks.  
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On, still stuck there. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Elated
Looking forward to: Snuggling my chubby man